Tag Archives: St. Peter’s Catholic Church

A little over a year ago Ben started giving Hannah an envelope everyday with a clue about where they would be going during their trip to Chicago.   This continued for 9 days.  One of the hints was St. Josemaria Escriva.  After Hannah received this clue she search in online and found that there was a St. Mary’s of the Angels Church in Chicago.  While they were in Chicago they went to the church and down to St. Josemaria Escriva Chapel.  After praying in the chapel, Ben read a passage in “Christ is Passing By” and then asked Hannah to marry him!

I was honored to be Hannah and Ben’s wedding photographer.  Their wedding was so beautiful!  Hannah got ready at her parent’s house in Steubenville, Ohio.  I loved the feeling inside her parent’s house that morning!  There was a wonderful energy throughout the house.  Everyone was there to share in the excitement and anticipation of the wedding.

Hannah and Ben were married at St. Peter’s Catholic Church in Steubenville, Ohio.  The ceremony was gorgeous!  Their reception was at the St. Florian Hall.  Congratulations Hannah and Ben!!!!   Thank you so much for having me share your wedding day with you!   Steubenville Ohio Wedding PhotographerSteubenville Wedding PhotographersSteubenville Wedding PhotographerSt. Florian Hall Ohio Wedding PhotographersSt. Florian Hall Ohio Wedding PhotographerSteubenville OH Wedding PhotographersSteubenville OH Wedding PhotographerSt. Peter's Catholic Church Steubenville Wedding PhotographerSt. Peter's Catholic Church OH Wedding PhotographersSt. Peter's Catholic Church OH Wedding PhotographerSteubenville Ohio Wedding PhotographersSteubenville Ohio Wedding PhotographersSteubenville Ohio Wedding PhotographerSteubenville Ohio Wedding PhotographerSteubenville Ohio Wedding Photographer St. Peter's Catholic Church Ohio Wedding PhotographerSteubenville OH Wedding PhotographersSteubenville OH Wedding PhotographersSt. Peter's Catholic Church OH Wedding PhotographerSteubenville Wedding PhotographerSteubenville Wedding PhotographersOhio Wedding PhotographerSteubenville OH Wedding PhotographerSteubenville OH Wedding PhotographersSt. Florian Hall OH Wedding PhotographerSt. Florian Hall Ohio Wedding PhotographersSteubenville Ohio Wedding PhotographersSt. Peter's OH Wedding PhotographerSt. Peter's Ohio Wedding PhotographersSt. Florian OH Wedding PhotographerSteubenville Ohio Wedding PhotographersSteubenville OH Wedding PhotographerOhio Wedding PhotographersOhio Steubenville Wedding PhotographerSt. Peter's Ohio Wedding PhotographersCeremony:  St. Peter’s Catholic Church

Reception: St. Florian Hall

Hair Artist:  Mary Duff

Videographer:  Keith Major

Organist:  Joe Zamberlan

Florist:  Deb Asawa

Cake Artist: Aubrey’s Bakery

Caterer:  Todd Piergallini Catering

DJ: George Homol

Second Photographer:  Luke Ling


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